Factory option, not possible to mount afterwards.
528, 530 and 600 series: with 26×12.00-12 and 320/60-12HD tyres
700 series: with 320/60-12HD, 320/55-15 and 400/50-15 tyres
Factory option, not possible to mount afterwards.
528, 530 and 600 series: with 26×12.00-12 and 320/60-12HD tyres
700 series: with 320/60-12HD, 320/55-15 and 400/50-15 tyres
Rear mud guards are a factory option, not possible to mount afterwards.
Factory option, not possible to mount afterwards.
528, 530 and 600 series: with 26×12.00-12 and 320/60-12HD tyres
700 series: with 320/60-12HD, 320/55-15 and 400/50-15 tyres
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